Men's Evenings of Spirituality Presented by Regnum Christi Legionnaires of Christ and St. Catherine of Siena Parish. This series of formative talks for men with food, faith and fellowship are held every month with the first one set for September 25th. At each session men will be challenged by asking themselves the question: How can men become saints as Christ is calling us to be?
Presenter for the first talk is Dr. Jennifer Miller, speaking about the introduction to the virtues.
Men, ages 18 and up are welcome to attend. Each evening will include Mass, dinner, a guest speaker, and an opportunity for confession. There is no cost but please RSVP at
St. Catherine of Siena is located at 105 Bonnabel Blvd. in Metairie.
Save the Date for upcoming talks on October 30, November 27, and December 11