To the Clergy, Religious and Laity in the Archdiocese of New Orleans
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ:
The tornados on Tuesday had a severe effect on many people in the Archdiocese of New Orleans. Several have been injured and hundreds of homes suffered significant damage.
In today’s liturgy, please remember them in prayer that God will give them strength to persevere during this challenging time. If you wish to offer them your financial support at this time of need, please send your gift to the Archdiocese of New Orleans at 7887 Walmsley Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70125. These gifts will be given directly to Catholic Charities in order to care for those who are in need.
I am pleased to say that Catholic Charities and Second Harvest Food Bank were on site immediately. We are pleased by their quick response to such tragedies. They represent all of us as a Catholic community.
We always need to see the face of Jesus in the lives of those in need. Please join me in praying for those who have lost their homes and possessions.
Wishing you God’s blessings, I am
Sincerely in Christ,
Most Reverend Gregory M. Aymond
Archbishop of New Orleans